Sea Turtle Ecology, Conservation, & Research Methods - Online

from $500.00

Course Formats (see details below):
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  • Sea turtles are a charismatic, ecologically important, yet imperiled group of marine reptiles. Their recovery and conservation require an understanding of their biology and ecology to be successful. This course introduces students to these fascinating and complex animals through lectures and class discussions. Topics include life histories, physiological adaptations to marine life, homing and navigation, nesting, ecological roles within the ecosystems, main threats, current conservation status, and methods to study them.

    • Learn at your own pace with instructor support from June 2 - August 24

    • Early bird ends Feb 2; saves $75

  • None. This course is the recommended prerequisite course for our Sea Turtle Biology & Conservation field course.

    • Introduction to sea turtle biology and marine adaptations

    • Ecological roles and current conservation status

    • Feeding and diet

    • Nesting, migration and navigation

    • Methods to monitor sea turtle nesting

    • Conservation and management

COURSE OPTIONS & INFORMATION (Review chart above, then click below)


    • 3 months of access to course materials as you work at your own pace 

    • Get instructor support for the 3-month term via email, discussion threads, group meetings, and one-on-one appointments

    • After working through the course materials, set up an optional meeting with the instructor to discuss your own personal project from work or school


    • 16 CEUs with The Wildlife Society

    • 4 CEUs in Category I(a): Scientific Education and Training with the Ecological Society of America

    • Go to our Continuing Education Page for more details



    • 12 months of access to course materials as you work at your own pace 

    • Get instructor support for the 3-month term via email, discussion threads, group meetings, and one-on-one appointments

    • After working through the course materials, set up an optional meeting with the instructor to discuss your own personal project from work or school


    • 16 CEUs with The Wildlife Society

    • 4 CEUs in Category I(a): Scientific Education and Training with the Ecological Society of America

    • Go to our Continuing Education Page for more details



Coordinator of the Sea Turtle Conservation Program at Pronatura Península de Yucatán



Full scholarships are available to participants from countries designated as “lower income” and “lower middle income” in the World Bank List of Economies. Please see our CWS World Scholars Program page for details.


Cancellations 30 days or more before the start date are not subject to cancellation fees. Cancellations <30 days before the start date are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds once the course begins.