Patrick Crist

Principal, PlanIt Forward LLC

Ph.D. Natural Resources, University of Idaho

MLA Landscape Architecture, University of Pennsylvania

B.S. Landscape Architecture, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo


Patrick is an applied researcher and practitioner working at the interface of conservation, climate, and human use across the globe. He believes that people can live sustainably in healthy ecosystems with multi-objective planning using good data, science, and tools. His work has addressed scales from large ecoregions to sites and sectors as diverse as local government land use planning, long-range transportation and energy planning, public and military land management, coastal vulnerability and resilience, and coupled land and nearshore marine conservation and restoration planning. Patrick has been working at the landscape scale beginning with innovative GIS assessment and planning to integrate neotropical migratory bird habitat with land trust conservation and large lot land development in his master’s program in the early 1990s. He enjoys capacity building and mentoring, having supported numerous graduate interns during his career.

Patrick earned his PhD in natural resources at the University of Idaho, using the statewide models of vertebrate species distributions from the USGS Gap Analysis Program (for which he was the National Coordinator) to understand how unit of analysis affects determinations of protection status for species. After working on GAP for several years, he joined NatureServe to develop an innovative, GIS decision support system (NatureServe Vista) used worldwide for numerous conservation applications over twenty years. He started PlanIt Forward LLC in 2019 to continue serving a wide range of clients, notably working with Duke University and James Cook University to conduct coastal watershed vulnerability and resilience assessments. In 2020 he joined Verra to work with Rainforest Alliance and Conservation International to develop the LandScale program, tools, and guidance. He later served as Director for Verra’s sustainable development standards, including the Climate, Community, and Biodiversity standard, and worked for a carbon finance startup. He now focuses full-time on serving a broad array of clients through a network of like-minded experts that partner with PlanIt Forward.

  • Note many publications are available on Research Gate at 

    • Crist, P.J., R. White, M. Chesnutt, C. Scott, R. Sutter, P. Cutter, and G. Dobson. 2019. Coastal Resilience Assessment for the Charleston Harbor Watershed. 2019. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. [Note this is 1 example of 7 reports for multiple projects downloadable at

    • Crist, P. 2017. Shoving conservation planning forward into a new multi-objective future in a human-dominated world. Book review. Landscape Ecology 32-1 pp. 225-226.

    • Crist, P., M. Fink, L. Grunau, K. Decker, C. Casper, and R. Muzzy. 2016. Decision support for regional advance mitigation planning. Transportation Research Board

    • Diamond, D., P. Crist, L.F. Elliott, P. Comer, C.D. True, and C. Scott. 2015. Initial development of grassland decision support tools for the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative, available at

    • Arid Lands Initiative. 2015. Assessing the Condition and Resiliency of Collaborative Conservation Priority Areas in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion: Phase II of a Landscape Conservation Design to support conservation strategies for the Arid Lands Initiative.

    • Crist, P.J. 2015. Conservation issues: wildlife connectivity for climate change adaptation. Reference module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2015. 24-Apr-15 doi: 10.1016/B978- 0-12-409548-9.09354-4.

    • Howie, S., P. Crist, E. Henderson, T.G. Howard, J. Kagan, S. Tonn, G. Knight, S. Schuetze, A. Knight, J. Oetting, and J. Hak. 2015. Demonstrating how vulnerability assessments can support military readiness: final report. Department of Defense Legacy Program. Legacy Project # 14-750. Available online  trisk/reports/demonstrating-how-vulnerability-assessments-can-support-military-readiness-reportlegacy-14-750/

    • Crist, P., C. Casper, and R. Scherzinger. 2014. Applying conservation planning tools: Case Study Pikes Peak Regional Transportation Plan. American Planning Association.

    • Crist P., Maybury K, Carr S and Hak J. 2014. Tools for Landscape-Level Assessment and Planning: A Guide for the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Arlington, VA: NatureServe. Available online at

    • Crist, P., M. Reid, H. Hamilton, G. Kittel, S. Auer, M. Harkness, D. Braun, J. Bow, C. Scott, L. Misztal, and L. Kutner. 2014. Madrean Archipelago Rapid Ecoregional Assessment Final Report. NatureServe technical report to the Bureau of Land Management. Available online at

    • Crist, P., S. Howie, M. Venner, J. Kagan, L. Gaines. 2014. Manager’s guide to the Integrated Ecological Framework. Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C. Available online at

    • Crist, P., K.M. Madden, J. Hittle; D. Walker; T. Allen, D. Eslinger. 2013. Supporting Cross-Sector, Cross-Ecosystem Planning through Interoperating Toolkits. Journal of Conservation Planning.

    • Crist, P.J. BLM Managers’ Guide to Climate Change Adaptation: Application of the Yale Mapping Framework. BLM Nevada State Office. 2012.

    • Crist, P.J., P. Comer, J. Bow, I. Varley. BLM Technical Guide to Climate Change Adaptation: Application of the Yale Mapping Framework. BLM Nevada State Office. 2012.

    • Crist, P.J., M. Harkness, and P. Comer. 2012. Manager’s Guide to Refuge Vulnerability Assessment and Alternatives: Overview and Practical Considerations. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Arlington, VA. ‡ Crist, P.J., P. Comer, and M. Harkness. 2012. The Refuge Vulnerability Assessment and Alternatives Technical Guide. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Arlington, VA.

    • Casper, C., M.R. Lupa, M. Paz de Araujo, and P. Crist. 2012. An Application of SHRP2’s Transportation for Communities Advancing Projects through Partnerships (TCAPP): A Case Study in Colorado Springs. Transportation Research

    • Comer, P., P. Crist, M. Reid, J. Hak, H. Hamilton, D. Braun, G. Kittel, I. Varley, B. Unnasch, S. Auer, M. Creutzburg, D. Theobald, and L. Kutner. 2012. Central Basin and Range Rapid Ecoregional Assessment Report. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management.

    • Bulluck, J, J. Weber, D. Kulas, P. Comer, and P. Crist. 2011. Resource Vulnerability Assessment and Strategies for Management Options for the Eastern Shore of Virginia and Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuges. NatureServe. Arlington, Virginia.

    • Crist, P., L. Wise, J. Kagan, M. Harkness, I. Varley, and P. Comer. 2011. Vulnerability Assessment and Strategies for the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge and Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge Complex. NatureServe. Boulder, CO.

    • Crist, P.J. and I. Varley. 2011. Building Capacity for Coastal Conservation Planning in Georgia. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.

    • Varley, I., P. Crist. 2011. Puerto Rico Ecosystem Assessment. NatureServe, Arlington, VA

    • Paulsen, C., and P. Crist, G. Kittel, I. Varley. 2010. Regionwide cumulative effects analysis of long-range transportation plans. Transportation Research Board.

    • Crist, P.J., M. Anderson, and A. Young. 2009. Evaluation of the NatureServe Vista Decision Support System and its Suitability for Supporting Resource Management Plan Development of the Bureau of Land Management Grand Junction Field Office. NatureServe, Arlington, VA.

    • Crist, P., K. Manning, D. Eslinger, D. Walker, & A. Andersen. 2009. A technical guide to the integrated land-sea planning toolkit.

    • Casper, C., Landon, M., Crist, P., and Walker, D. 2009. Integrating conservation and long-range transportation planning using a strategic assessment framework. ICOET.

    • Stoms, D. M., P. J. Comer, P. Crist and D. H. Grossman. 2005. Choosing surrogates for biodiversity conservation in complex planning environments. Journal of Conservation Planning 1: 44-63.

    • Crist, P.J. 2003. A Comparison of the effect of geographic unit on the analysis of conservation status of terrestrial vertebrates in the western U.S. University of Idaho. Dissertation.

    • Crist, P.J., T.W. Kohley, and J. Oakleaf. 2000. Assessing land-use impacts on biodiversity using an expert systems tool. Landscape Ecology 15: 47.

    • Crist, P.J. and M.J. Scott. 2000. Identifying the gaps, locating the reserves: some thoughts on getting Gap Analysis into conservation practice. In Gap Analysis Program Bulletin #8, K. Gergely, P. Crist, and E. Brackney, eds. USGS Gap Analysis Program.

    • Crist, P.J. and M.J. Scott. 2000. Experience and trends in animal distribution modeling. In Gap Analysis Program Bulletin #8, K. Gergely, P. Crist, and E. Brackney, eds. USGS Gap Analysis Program.

    • Scott, J.M., B. Csuti, R.G. Wright, P.J. Crist, and M.D. Jennings. 1998. Regional approaches to managing
      and conserving biodiversity. pp. 55-70. In Practical approaches to the conservation of biological
      diversity. R.K Baydack, H. Campa III, and J.B. Haufler eds. Island Press. Washington, D.C. 313 pp.

    • Crist, P.J., B. Arnold, E. Dearhouse, N. Kemer, A. Killer, N. Mat, S. McCoubrey, D. Murphy, N. Yontar, and J. Zhai. 1992. Regional Tourism Plan for the Western Gateway Region, Hopi and Navajo Reservations. University of Pennsylvania.

    • Crist, P.J., P. Godfrey, D. Harper, D. Jones, G. Longsworth, J. Querry. 1991. Options for the Future of Mount Desert Island, Maine: An Ecological Study for Towns in a Coastal Region. University of Pennsylvania.