Dr. Jeffrey C. Mariner
Consultant, Center for Wildlife Studies
Veterinary Epidemiologist
Email: Jeffrey.Mariner@tufts.edu
Dr. Jeffrey C. Mariner is a veterinary epidemiologist with over 30 years of experience working on infectious disease surveillance, control and eradication in Africa and Asia. At the start of his career, he developed the thermostable rinderpest vaccine that was adopted by the Global Rinderpest Eradication Program (GREP) as the vaccine of choice in the final eradication of rinderpest. As part of the field implementation of control programs, Dr. Mariner championed community-based approaches to vaccination and participatory approaches to disease surveillance that enabled rinderpest eradication in remote and often politically unstable areas of the world. The integration of thermostable vaccine biotechnology and innovations in animal health institutions were key contributions to the completion of the eradication of rinderpest in 2011, only the second disease to be globally eradicated.
Dr. Mariner currently coordinates the Participatory Epidemiology Network for Animal and Public Health (www.penaph.net) and conducts research and training on One Health topics including appropriate surveillance and control measures for Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR), a virus closely related to rinderpest, risk-based responses to zoonoses such as Rift Valley fever and mitigation of the risk of pandemic threats form disease spillover. Dr. Mariner recently developed a practical thermostable PPR vaccine that is now in commercial production. In the area of One Health, he recently completed a major study of the potential for OH integration of community-based animal health, community health and community environmental programs. With STOP Spillover, Dr. Mariner works to mitigate risks associated with wildlife and wildlife farming in Cambodia, Uganda, Vietnam.
Refereed Journals:
Mariner JC, House JA, Sollod AE, Stem E, van den Ende MC and Mebus CA, 1990. Comparison of the Effect of Various Chemical Stabilizers and Lyophilization Cycles on the Thermostability of a Vero Cell-Adapted Rinderpest Vaccine, Journal of Veterinary Microbiology 21:195-209.
Mariner JC, House JA, Mebus CA, Sollod AE, and Stem C, 1991. Production of a Thermostable Vero Cell-Adapted Rinderpest Vaccine, Journal of Tissue Culture Methods 13:253-256.
Mariner JC, Jeggo M, van’t Klooster GVM, Geiger R and Roeder PL, 2003. Disease surveillance performance monitoring using quantifiable indicators. Rev Sci Tech OIE 22: 837-47.
Mariner JC and Roeder PL, 2003. The use of participatory epidemiology to study the persistence of Lineage 2 rinderpest virus in East Africa. Vet Rec 152:641-7.
Mariner JC, McDermott, JJ, Heesterbeek, JAP, Catley A and Roeder P, 2005. A model of lineage 1 and lineage 2 rinderpest virus transmission in pastoral areas of East Africa. Pre Vet Med 69: 245-263.
Mariner JC, McDermott J, Heesterbeek JAP, Thomson G and Martin SW, 2006. A model for the transmission of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in East Africa, Pre Vet Med 73/1:55-74.
Mariner JC, McDermott J, Heesterbeek JAP, Thomson G, Roeder PL and Martin SW, 2006. A heterogeneous model of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia transmission and control in pastoral communities in East Africa. Pre Vet Med 73/1:75-91.
Mariner, JC, Hendrickx, S, Pfeiffer, DU, Costard, S, Knopf, L, Okuthe, S, Chibeu, D, Parmley, J, Musenero, M, Pisang, C, Zingeser, J, Jones, B, Syed Noman Ali, Bett, B, McLaws, M, Unger, F, Aluma Araba, Purvi Mehta and Jost, CC, 2011. Integration of participatory approaches into surveillance systems. Rev Sci Tech OIE. 30: 653-659.
Mariner JC, House JA, Mebus CA, Sollod AE, Chibeu Dickens, Jones BA, Roeder PL, Admassu Berhanu, and van’t Klooster GGM, 2012. Rinderpest Eradication: Appropriate Technology and Social Innovations. Science 337: 1309-1312.
Roeder P, Mariner J, Kock R, 2013. Rinderpest: the veterinary perspective on eradication. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2013 Jun 24; 368(1623):20120139. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2012.0139. Print 2013 Aug 5.
Mariner JC, Jones BA, Hendrickx S, El Masry I, Jobre Y, Jost CC, 2014. Experiences in participatory surveillance and community-based reporting systems for H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza: A case study approach. Journal of EcoHealth: March 19 DOI: 10.1007/s10393-014-0916-0.
Mariner JC, Jones BA, Rich KM, Thevasagayam S, Anderson J, Jeggo M, Cai Y, Peters AR, Roeder PL, 2016. The Opportunity to Eradicate Peste des Petits Ruminants, Journal of Immunology 196(9):3499-506. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1502625.
Mariner, JC, Gachanja J, Tindih SH, and Toye P (2017). A thermostable presentation of the live, attenuated peste des petits ruminants vaccine in use in Africa and Asia. Vaccine 35(30): 3773-3779.
Nkamwesiga J, Coffin-Schmitt J, Ochwo S, Mwiine FN, Palopoli A, Ndekezi C, Isingoma E, Namtima N, Nsamba P, Adiba R, Hendrickx S, Mariner JC, 2019. Identification of peste des petits ruminants transmission hotspots in the Karamoja Subregion of Uganda for targeting of eradication interventions. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 221, doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00221.
Fine AE, Pruvot M, Benfield C, Caron A, 4 , Cattoli G, Chardonnet P, Dioli M, Dulu T, Gilbert M, Kock RA, Mariner JC, Ostrowski S, Parida S, Fereidouni S, Shiilegdamba E, Sleeman J, Schulz C, Soula JJ, Van der Stede Y, Tekola BG, Walzer C and Njeumi F, 2020. Eradication of peste des petits ruminants virus and the wildlife-livestock interface. Frontiers Veterinary Science 13;7:50. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00050. eCollection 2020.
Jeanne L. Coffin-Schmitt, Emily V. Moore, Sarah L. McKune Ran Mob, Joseph Nkamwesiga, Emmanuel Isingoma, Noelina Nantima, Rogers Adiba, Frank Norbert Mwiine, Peninah Nsamba, Saskia Hendrickx, and Jeffrey C. Mariner, 2021. Peste des Petits Ruminants in the Karamoja Subregion of Northeastern Uganda: A Cautionary Tale. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2021 Nov;196:105464.doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105464. Epub 2021 Aug 12.
Jeffrey C. Mariner, Hezron Wesonga, Geoffrey Muuka, Kristin Stuke and Angie Colston, in preparation. Modelling the effects of vaccination and treatment with third generation macrolides and tetracycline on persistence and impact of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia.
Mariner JC and Paskin R, 2000. Participatory Epidemiology: Methods for the Collection of Action-Oriented Epidemiological Intelligence, FAO Manual No. 10, FAO, Rome, 81 pp.
Cameron A, Mariner J, Paisley L, Parmley J, Roger F, Scott A, Willenberg P and Wolhuter M, 2015. Guide to Terrestial Animal Health Surveillance. Paris, World Organization for Animal Health, 93 pp.
Mariner J, 2018. Rift Valley Fever Surveillance. FAO Animal Production and Health Manual No. 21. Rome. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 80 pages.
Mariner JC, Raizman E, Pittiglio C, Bebay C, Kivaria F, Lubroth J and Makonnen Y, 2022. Rift Valley Fever Action Framework. Rome. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 66 pp.