Our “Wild Maine” series of nature programs, in partnership with the Camden Public Library, continues in May with a presentation by Dr. Scott Reynolds , Center for Wildlife Studies Instructor.
Temperate bats are ubiquitous throughout Maine, from the interior forests of northern Maine to the urban centers of Augusta and Portland, and along the coast and off-shore environment all the way to New Brunswick. Despite being found throughout the state, bats in the northeast are suffering from massive die-offs and conservation threats, including invasive disease, climate change, and renewable energy development. Join us as we explore the biology and conservation of these amazing mammals.
About the Presenter:
Dr. Scott Reynolds is a Center for Wildlife Studies Instructor, a member of the Science Faculty at St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire, and a founding Partner at North East Ecological Services, a biological consultancy focused on the population biology and conservation of temperate bats. His work focuses on the population biology and reproductive energetics of temperate bats, including the winter ecology of hibernating bats. He works with both undergraduate and graduate students as well as a variety of collaborators from state and federal agencies to collect field data needed to make informed conservation and species management policies. Although he continues to study population biology, much of his recent work involves the use of technology to collect data on the potential impact of inland and off-shore wind energy development on migratory bats.